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451 35mm slide projection work, using four carousel slide projectors

451. 2004. A panoramic slide dissolve work, over six meters wide and two and half meters tall, where a panoply of household objects from tables and chairs to a roast joint; from a suitcase to a car, appear on the screen and then gradually disappear in flames as they fall from top to bottom. The images are projected from the front and then the back by four projectors, two each side. The slides fall on layered screens between the projectors; one image coming from one end and the next arising from the other, as the first image falls away. 451 was first shown at the Winchester Gallery 2004. This was the first chance to show a collection of time-based slide dissolve works based on the transitory and cyclic life of objects and the body. Also exhibited were the pieces Disperse and Calcium Caving.
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