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We Are Where We Are

We Are Where We Are, 'WAWWA'. 2006 was a work made with Arts Council England funding and spawned from ideas based on research with neuro-architects and scientists. The work was developed for the Space, Architecture and the Mind conference in Winchester in March 2006, part of the larger Art and Mind project, see:
The piece was conceived as an examination of the architecture of the body and is projected onto a large square of voile screens by eight slide projectors, four inside the square pointing out, and four outside the square pointing in. The piece can be viewed from inside or outside the square.
Through a sequence of slides, the various systems and component structures of the body come and go on a gigantic scale, and walking figures can be seen coming and going through the images of the body created.
Prints from the work were exhibited in the London Print Studio Gallery in 2006.

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