Seized: Out of This World
Seized: Out of This World is a visual exploration of Temporal Lobe Epilepsy and its creative effects. TLE has affected many creative individuals and is thought to be the source of much artistic inspiration. Artists like Vincent Van Gogh and Fydor Dostoevsky are just two such significant creative people.
The electrical storms associated with this condition are considered to cause a kind of cross-pollination of ideas between different functional areas of the brain, giving the artists extraordinarily insightful visions, that feed into their creative practice. Seized was made with support and direction from Paul Broks, neuropsychologist, Senior Lecturer in Clinical Psychology at Plymouth University and Honorary Consultant in Neuropsychology at Derriford Hospital, Plymouth, and Dr Adam Zeman, Professor of Cognitive and Behavioural Neurology, University of Plymouth. Both shared their knowledge and understanding of Temporal Lobe Epilepsy and arranged for Andrew to meet patients who kindly gave him time to talk to them about their condition and the effects it had upon them. Seized: Out of This World was shown at Discovery Centre, Winchester, (2009), Waterside Gallery, Manchester (2010), and GV Art, London (2010)